Friday, March 15, 2013

Everyone needs a progress report

If you follow this blog on occasion, you’ll notice that I’ve been a bit MIA for the last month or so. For which, I apologize for because I have so many things that I’ve been wanting to write about and address, but I just haven’t had the time. This is of course the lamest excuse in the world, because everyone uses that excuse for everything (including that they don’t have time to work out… (which is bullshit). So this post is more or less just going to play catch up, and then I’ll write about some far more interesting topics. I’m on my third month into training, and already in such a short amount of time I’ve seen some serious improvements. Since January 1st I set a list of goals I wanted to reach and certain muscles that I needed to see develop more. My first goal was that before I start cutting, I wanted to hit 130lbs. From bJanuary 1st until now I’ve gone from 118lbs to 127. I have three more pounds to go by the end of the month and I’ve hit my goal! Now before you get your panties in a twist, I’m not sitting here gorging myself with fatty and unhealthy foods. I’m doing this totally clean. I’ve stuck to my diet as strictly as I can think of how to, with the exception of a couple semi-cheat meals over the past few months. I’ve bulked up on calories, protein and carbs and minimized my cardio yet again. My next goal was indicative of the certain muscles that I knew needed to improve; like core, calves, and shoulders. Although, I was really looking to improve on my entire upper body as a whole. After months of grueling workouts, this girl finally has delts. Which may not seem like a big deal to you, but, I’ve never had any serious definition or muscle in my upper body so it’s a big deal to me. Everyone has those one or two muscle groups that just seem impossible to develop…and shoulders are certainly it for me. It seems that so far, I’m already on my way to hitting every single one of my goals so far.

It’s still an interesting concept to me, to try to put on weight. Because my entire life I’ve been trying to either maintain or wanted to lose weight. In the beginning, I felt much like a newborn just learning to use its’ legs, fumbling around and such. But through a lot of research, commitment and picking the brains of every qualified person I can get my hands on, I’ve finally gotten the hang of it. I’ve gained quite a bit of weight in a short amount of time, but it’s all been muscle and I haven’t gained any body fat…which is difficult to do when your bulking. I sometimes catch myself in the mirror, which may be a bit vain, but it isn’t for the sake of vanity or self obsession. It’s almost as if I don’t recognize myself. Not only do I not always recognize myself, I feel like I’m in someone else’s body. It’s been some getting used to, but I’m enjoying every step of the process so far.

I can’t say that I have made these progressions by diet and exercise alone. I have also been using the help of supplements. But that’s exactly what they are; supplements to your diet. I don’t ever recommend anyone relying on them. They aren’t meant to take the place of a clean diet and rigorous exercise regimen. They are simply meant to help, and they do just that. Because as soon as I started taking amino’s, glutamine and creatine, I began seeing even more results. I’ve felt more energized and stronger, which has given me a far better workout each and every time. There’s some controversy with supplements, and you have the right to say what you will about them, but no one is forcing you to take them.

So as of now, I have two-three weeks to get bigger before I start cutting. That’s when it starts to get even harder because I’ll have to start carb cycling and increasing cardio. So I’ll enjoy my carbs for as long as I can.

I’m in the midst of writing this blog fairly quickly because I’m on my lunch break, so I’m not being as in depth as I’d like to be. But my next post is probably going to be about protein shakes and more about supplements. Mainly because recently I’ve had a few friends continue to reach out to me regarding the topic. So stay tuned!