Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tough shit if my gym shorts don't get your dick hard.

You know that feeling when you read an article an it instantly infuriates you? Well, I’m feeling that at this exact moment, and I’ll tell you why. During my morning ritual of reading the news online, I came across an article on MSN titled “Guy’s take on: Your spring outfits”. I’ll start by saying that I hate any articles of this nature where these people write about what men think about anything from your hair color down to the polish on your toes. But I figured I’d read it and see what bullshit they were blabbing about this time.

First of all, these so called “studies” are absolutely asinine because they only post the opinions of three, maybe four men. So that’s what women are dressing for these days…the opinions of four college boys? Fuck that. If I want to rock a maxi dress with over sized sunglasses, I’ll damn well do it. I don’t give a shit if Jon from Vassar College likes it or not, and you shouldn’t either. If Jon from Vassar College doesn’t like the way you dress, then chances are he isn’t the man for you. Instead, perhaps Parker from UCLA loves your style just the way it is. Every human being on this earth is attracted to something different and has a different style than the rest, and that is perfectly fine. But to constantly write articles telling women how they should dress based on how men perceive them, is absolutely fucking ridiculous. 

The portion of this despicable excuse for an article that really sent me over the edge, was the section on what guys think of sportswear. I’ll just show you a few of the remarks that were posted.

 I’ve never understood this. Don't you ladies understand that we’re attracted to you because you’re women? We don't want you to dress like us.” –Louis, University of Connecticut

“She looks like a Marine. I'm not into girls who look like they can beat me up.” –Jon, Vassar College

“I feel like if you’re going to look like you’re going to the gym, there’s no way to dress that up.” –Jason, University of New Hampshire–Manchester

“I don’t find sportswear sexy–except for yoga pants.” –Robbie, University of Maryland

Really? So because we’re not prancing around in see through shirts, tight ass skirts and 6” heels…we aren’t considered women? I don’t understand how so called “men” are so intimidated by a strong woman; physically and mentally. If you were a real man, you would be secure and confident with yourself that you’d be able to handle a strong woman. But clearly, the vast majority of the male population are insecure little bitches.

If I’m going to work out, I’m not just walking on the treadmill for 40 minutes. I’m pushing some heavy fucking weight, so excuse me if I don’t want to wear some prissy, girly gliterry shit or shorts that could double as underwear. Instead, I’ll throw on my Nike pants, a racerback and sweatshirt and call it a day. If you don’t find me sexy or attractive, that’s awesome for me, because then you won’t be a jerk off and interrupt my set just to hit on me. Here’s a newsflash for you; most women who are serious about lifting, don’t go to the gym to pick up men…so I don’t give a fuck if my workout clothes turn you on or not. Let’s say that I’m not going to the gym, let’s pretend that I’m out and about running errands and just feel like wearing active wear instead of getting all dolled up just to go to the grocery store. Tough shit if my gym shorts don’t get your dick hard.

On the flip side, because I don't want to discriminate against anyone who has a girlier style than I do, wear the rhinestone embellished pants if you want. Don't care what any man thinks, shit, don't even care what I think. Just dress for you!

But I digress a bit; this is even more infuriating because the majority of these writers are women. Seriously?! As a woman you think it’s appropriate to tell other women how they need to dress based on an insignificant percentage of men’s opinions? Thanks for setting feminism back about 50 years. The writing industry has just lost some major points. 

So here’s my take away. Dress for you, not for anyone else. Because no one else has to wear those clothes, you do, and you should feel good in them. You shouldn’t have to alter who you are or your style just to attract a man. Whatever your style is, it will attract the right man for you.

Now, stop being so concerned with what Jon from Vassar or anyone else thinks….put on whatever you want and go squat something.

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