Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Six Weeks to OMG" will NOT melt the hot fudge sundae from your thighs!

Regardless of who you are or where you are at in your health and fitness journey, I am certain you have heard the laundry list of diet over the years. From Atkins to South Beach and everything in between, most of you have probably tried a few. I have a huge problem with diets first of all. I don't believe in them, because I think healthy eating should be a lifestyle not  a quick fix. But before I write a 7 page rant about my issues with diets in general, there is one in particlar that I absolutely have to talk about. "Six Weeks to OMG: Get Skinnier Than All Your Friends" by British actor, Venice Fulton.

This isn't a miracle diet plan, because guess what? It's all bullshit.

It is a book cleverly marketed towards desperate women who will do just about anything to lose weight and look better than most people they know and filled with a whole bunch of unbased and unproven methods of losing fat, becoming more toned and even keeping your nails, hair and skin healthy. Now since I don't want you to spend your money and support his mans book in any way, I will break down all of the principles he suggests are essential to being successful at weight loss.

Take Cold Showers & Baths
The diet suggests that since your body has to use energy to keep your core body temperature at approximately 98.6 farenheight, you're body will burn more calories than if you took a hot shower. Although this is true, you aren't reducing the amount of cellulite on your things by eating a bag of potato chips, not exercising and taking a freezing cold shower/bath instead. Honestly, this is a recipe for acquiring hypothermia.

Skip Breakfast & Exercise on an Empty Stomach
Fulton recommends that you should skip breakfast and shouldn't eat until after you've exercised. He claims that exercising on an empty stomach causes the body to use its energy stores, fat. First of all, once you've woken up from your nights sleep, your body has just gone (hopefully) 8+ hours without food or water. Due to this, your blood sugar leveles are far lower than normal and your body doesn't have enough fuel to for an optimal workout. I don't know about you, but there is no way in hell that I am running 4 miles and lifting weights as soon as I wake up without putting anything into my system. That is a recipe for disaster coupled with diminshed performance and a higher probability for passing out. Also, there have been countless studies proving that breakfast is the most important meal of the day since it keeps you energized throughout the remainder of the day and keeps your metabolism up. So if you're a morning exerciser, have a light breakfast before your workout and replenish afterwards. It's not rocket science, it's common sense.

Stay Away From Fruit
Umm...what?! I'm so unbelievably sick and tired of people trying to promote that people ought to stay away from fruit because of it's sugars. There is a very distinct difference between the sugar you find in a honey bun and the natural sugars you'd find in blueberries. How in the world can you advocate not eating something that is healthy and comes from our own earth? Fulton recommends not eating much fruit because the body processes fructose differently and this will interfere with appetite hormones. Though this may be true, that doesn't mean you should cut it out of your diet. I promise you, that if you don't incorporate fruit into your diet, you are going to feel the effects and you'd be missing out on plethora of incredible health benefits. Don't listen to this idiot.

Carbs are Carbs
This is probably the most infuriating opinion of his. Fulton promotes the idea that all carbs are the same and that there is no difference between the carbs you find in chocolate cake and the carbs you'd find in an apple. Right, because all of this evidence and factually based studies about complex vs. simple carbs are all a bunch of lies. Let me tell you this...eating a piece of chocolate cake will not give you the body that eating an apple will. Plain and simple. So stop being so engulfed in this dream world that you can make shortcuts and cheat your health and still look like a smoking hot bombshell. Life doesn't work that way.

The above are only a handful of the points that Fulton makes throughout this disgusting diet book. Plain and simple..this book is a concoction of bullshit, lies, and shortcuts that are all a recipe for disaster, no results and quite possibly a window for eating disorders among young women.


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