Saturday, September 15, 2012

Up & running....literally.

Hello fellow fitness fiends! After many months of perfecting my blog...from the name, layout, design, images and most of all direction....I have finally been able to launch "Eat Clean, Exercise Dirty". The name says it all really, and I truly believe in the lifestyle. For me, exercise isn't just a hobby, it really is a way of life...and I couldn't imagine living without it. Quite frankly, you wouldn't want to know me if I had to, because I'd be the most miserable and bitchiest woman alive. As pissy as I am when I'm hungry (and anyone who knows me knows first hand that is a side of me that you don't want to see), I'm even more horrible when I don't incorporate exercise into my daily routine. So for the sake of my mental stability, and the well-being of others...I eat, breathe and sleep eating clean and exercising dirty.

I understand that a training routine which works for one person, won't work for everyone. I like yoga, pilates and all that...but I simply cannot commit to that type of training on a regular basis. If I wasn't able to lift a weight that was at least 50% of my body weight, I'd start having some serious withdrawls. I have an intense and extreme personality, and it comes through in how I train. I run fast, lift heavy and go hard...every, single time.

As much as I love exercise though, it isn't all that effective if you aren't nourishing your body properly. It took me a long time to actually realize that fact. When I was younger, I could honestly eat whatever I wanted to. Mostly because of my lightning fast metabolism and because of how active I was in dance and sports. Although, after the luxury of my incredible metabolism started to diminsih, my body showed me that I couldn't eat whatever I wanted to and still stay matter how hard I tried working it off in the gym. I figured I could just spend a couple extra hours at the gym and I would stay exactly the same. Wrong. It doesn't work like that. Although I believe that exercise is absolutely crucial, it all starts with what you feed your body. You know that age old saying "you are what you eat", well guess what, it's true.  

I'll lay it all out on the line now, this isn't going to be your typical health and fitness blog. I'm not going to sit here and say "It's ok that you didn't finish your last set, just finish it tomorrow" or "Go ahead, eat that heart attack on a bun with a side order of diabetes, you'll burn it off on the elipitcal later". What I will do, is be straight forward and to the point. In many regards, I usually have to filter myself or tone down my personality so that others are more comfortable around me, because let's face it, I'm a lot to handle sometimes. So here, I've decided Im' not going to filter myself or tone down anything.

So if you're looking for a blog to the likes of articles you see in Shape, Self or Fitness magainze, I will tell you right now that you haven't come to the right place. However, if you are looking for an intense and extreme approach at need to search any further! I will post my opinions, tips & advice, facts, workout routines and even some recipes that I swear by as frequently as I am able to. So stay tuned & enjoy!

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