Monday, October 29, 2012

If you're drinking coffee at the aren't really working out.

Pet peeves. We all have them,and nothing annoys me more than when people do stupid shit at the gym. I could write a ten page paper venting about all the idiotic things people do while at the gym, but I’ll keep this relatively short.

I’ve been to the gym at all hours of the day, anywhere from 4am to 11pm. Without fail, I always see at least one person exercising with a mug of steaming hot coffee. Seriously? Don’t get me wrong, I am an avid believer in the health benefits that coffee can offer, but within moderation and not during your workout. First of all, if you are so tired and exhausted where you need coffee as your workout companion, you shouldn’t be at the gym, but rather keep your ass in bed. Second of all, if you think that drinking coffee rather than good ol’ fashioned water is better for you at replenishing fluids and electrolytes, then I actually feel very sorry for you. Because that just proves you have no damn common sense. Furthermore, after getting sweaty and out of breath, are you really craving a hot beverage over a cold drink of relieving water? I didn’t think so. It’s not even a matter of what you are craving, but rather a matter of what your body needs before, during and after a workout. When you exercise, you put your body under tremendous stress where it losses a sleuth of essential nutrients and fluids, of which it is essential to replenish. So if you have made the choice in working out to keep healthy, why would you want it all to go to waste if you aren’t going to replenish your body properly?

Now I love coffee, and “love” may even be an understatement, so I will be the last person to advise to stop drinking this wonderful cup of joy. Instead of drinking coffee during your workout, why don’t you be smart about your coffee consumption and drink it before your workout, anywhere from 30-60 minutes beforehand. This could be a valuable addition to your exercise regimen by delaying muscle fatigue and keeping you both focused and energized.

This isn’t a science lesson…it’s actually just common sense. With all this being said, put that shit down while you’re at the gym. Or I promise you that I will dump it all over you with no remorse.

1 comment:

  1. I read in mens health that caffeine before a workout can be good tho... They did a study of olympians who cycle caffeine tablets for athletic enhancement. But yea drinking coffee at the gym is really just ridiculous.
